Treating Back Pain With Regenerative Injection Therapy

Aug 02, 2018
 Treating Back Pain With Regenerative Injection Therapy
Modern medicine has given us many positive options for treating back pain, but perhaps one of the most innovative and promising among them is regenerative injection therapy. While this approach was developed and came into use decades ago....

Modern medicine has given us many positive options for treating back pain, but perhaps one of the most innovative and promising among them is regenerative injection therapy. While this approach was developed and came into use decades ago, it only recently began enjoying a wider acceptance in the medical community as positive results have been documented. Various forms of regenerative injection therapy have been used for years in the treatment of injured joints, ligaments and difficult-to-heal wounds, but it’s also a viable option for the treatment of spine issues and back pain — especially when other treatments aren’t yielding desirable results.

How Regenerative Injection Therapy Works

The concept behind this approach is simple: To accelerate the body’s natural ability to heal itself. The human body actually has remarkable self-healing capabilities, but frequently these processes get delayed or interrupted by various factors. Regenerative injection therapy draws regenerative cells and substances from the patient’s own body, concentrates them, then injects them at the site of pain or injury. This prompts a temporary inflammation that kickstarts the regeneration process. As a result, many patients enjoy greater pain relief and quicker recovery than they would have otherwise.

Types of Injection Therapy

Currently, two basic types of regenerative therapies are in use or being studied for the relief of back pain:

  • Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: Platelets are the blood cells that promote clotting and tissue healing; this technique draws platelet cells from the patient, concentrates them and reintroduces them at the injury site. Often used in the treatment of arthritis, non-healing wounds and other degenerative issues.
  • Stem-cell Therapy: Stem cells are neutral cells programmed to develop into specialized cells as needed, and we all have them in our bodies. This technique draws stem cells from fatty tissue in the patient and reintroduces them at the pain/injury site to regenerate destroyed tissues. Often used for chronic wounds and various degenerative diseases, but now showing promise in the treatment of back issues like degenerative disc disease and even spinal nerve regeneration.

Benefits of Regenerative Injection Therapy

This treatment often proves effective in the treatment of back pain when other fail. Some of the specific advantages:

  • Minimally invasive
  • Considered a natural remedy (using the body’s own cells to heal itself)
  • Mild side effects (usually only temporary pain at the injection site)
  • Low risk of rejection (the body recognizes its own cells and typically doesn’t attack them)

Regenerative injection therapy isn’t an instant solution or a “magic pill,” and it’s not the right solution for everyone. But for the right candidates, it can be the perfect approach to bring lasting back pain relief. To learn more about this therapy and discover whether you’re a good candidate, call Polaris Spine & Neurosurgery Center today at 404-256-2633.