Spinal Cord Stimulator Placement

Neurosurgeons & Spine Specialists located in Atlanta, GA
Spinal Cord Stimulator

Spinal Cord Stimulator services offered in Atlanta, GA

Are you frustrated with your back pain and sick of solutions that don’t work? If so, reach out to Dr. Max Steuer, MD, and Carter Cooper, PAC, located in Atlanta, Georgia, to find out if spinal cord stimulator (SCS) placement can provide relief. SCS placement is a minimally invasive treatment that uses electrical currents to disrupt pain signals traveling to your brain. Countless patients suffering from chronic pain have found their answers in SCS. To find yours, call the office to schedule your evaluation today.

Spinal Cord Stimulator Placement Q&A

What is spinal cord stimulator placement?

A spinal cord stimulator, or SCS, is a device that  Max Steuer, MD, can use to treat neuropathic pain caused by damaged nerves. It works well with nerves damaged by conditions and events like:

  • Injuries

  • Arthritis

  • Surgical complications

Your provider, Dr. Steuer, reserves spinal cord stimulator placement for patients who have suffered from pain for more than a year. You may also be a candidate if past intervention hasn’t been successful. SCS could be a good option if you have ongoing pinched nerve pain.

Many patients have found that spinal cord stimulator placement works better for their chronic neuropathic back and leg pain than repeat surgery.

How does spinal cord stimulator placement work?

Spinal cord stimulator devices deliver mild electrical currents to the spinal column nerves to disrupt pain signals on the way to the brain. In doing so, they minimize pain.

Spinal cord stimulator placement requires surgical implantation. Dr. Steuer conducts a seven-day trial with you before placing the device to ensure that SCS treatment is right for you.

During your trial, Dr. Steuer places temporary electrodes in your lower back. He gives you an external battery, which you can wear on a belt around your waist. You can activate the spinal cord stimulator with a remote control whenever you experience pain.

If you find that the trial has effectively reduced your pain after that week, Dr. Steuer proceeds with surgical implantation, otherwise called spinal cord stimulator placement.

During implantation, your provider places the permanent electrodes, also known as stimulator leads, between the spinal cord and the vertebrae, inside an epidural space. Then, he implants a battery pack, similar to a pacemaker, underneath the skin of your abdomen or back.

What is SCS placement recovery like?

Typically, patients fully heal after two to four weeks. Immediately after surgery, avoid twisting or stretching, and plan to restrict yourself to light activities for about two weeks. You can remove your dressings after about three days.

You may return to your regular activities, including driving, after one to two weeks or when otherwise recommended. Remember to leave your stimulator off when driving.

If you’re suffering from chronic nerve pain and nothing has worked for you in the past, don’t give up. Instead, find out if spinal cord stimulator placement might be right for you. Call Max Steuer, MD, today to schedule your consultation.